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Catalogue - Children Religion:


Publisher : Editorial Claret
Author: Ignasi Ricart (coord.)
Illustrator: Maria Rius
Target: from 8 to 12 years old
Format: 22 x 28,5 cm
Pages: 128 - full-color throughout
Binding: Hardback/paperback 

This is a book about the five world main religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islamism) since we are living in a pluralist world. So, religions could not be an exception. Nowadays, religions must be considered as little planets moving around the sun: God, the depth source from all religions draw. It's evident that we cannot keep us in isolation and in ignorance much longer. Religions must be not an excuse of confrontation, but a tool of peace.

To elaborate this book, five people of each religion were asked to answer the following questions: What do we believe? Which are our Holy Books? Which are our feasts? What's the meaning of the feasts in our lives? In what way and where do we express our faith?

It's also important to note a very useful small dictionary that there's at the end of each religion in order to clarify terms.

 top, mercedes ros


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