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Maria imagines...
Maria feels...
Maria remembers...
Maria learns...


The main character in this series of four books is a seven-year-old girl called Maria. Each book emphasizes a theme: The imagination in MARIA IMAGINES... the memory in MARIA REMEMBERS... learning in MARIA LEARNS... and emotions in MARIA FEELS... Through a poetical text written in the first person as a diary and simple drawings full of sensibility, the readers get to know the main character, identify with her and learn a lot about the little things that surround us.


Titles: 4

Target: 5 years and up

Format: 240 x 240 mm

Pages: 36 full-color throughtout

Binding: Paperback / Hardback


GEMSER · Publications, S.L. | Castell, 38 08329 Teià (Barcelona) | Spain
T. (34) 93 540 13 53

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