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Author: Pamela Pollack & Meg Belviso
Illustrator: Marta Fàbrega
Target: 5 years and up
Format: 190 x 240 mm
Pages: 36 full-color throughout
Binding: Paperback / Hardback

The boy in this store has always loved visiting his grandfather. But lately Grandpa has been different. He can’t take the boy fishing or go on walks with him anymore. Grandpa doesn’t look sick but a nurse comes to the house to take care of him. What is going on? Grandpa has Alzheimer’s disease. It makes him forget names and places and how to do everyday things. That’s why he needs someone to help him and why he can’t do the things he did before. At first the boy is afraid of the way things are changing. But when he talks to his mother, the boy realizes that it’s okay to miss the way things used to be. They can still have fun together as a family.


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