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Author: Mercè Seix, Meritxell Noguera
Illustrator: Rocio Bonilla
Target: 2 years and up
Format: 240 x 240 mm
Pages: 36 full-color-throughout
Binding: Paperback / Hardback

The gang has to learn a series of basic hygiene rules: Brushing their hair and teeth, washing their face and hands, using clean clothes and taking a bath...

There are a lot of things, but if they do them together, everything will be much easier.

This book includes:

  • A story about the gang to have fun with the family.
  • Everyday situations that the boys and girls can relate to.
  • An amusing game to find the teddy bear in every drawing to maintain the child’s attention and to promote observation skills.
  • A guide for mothers and fathers with advices, tricks and recommendations.


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