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Author: Patrick A. Baeuerle, Ph.D. and Norbert Landa
Illustrator: Gustavo Mazali - Antonio Muñoz
Target: 8 years and up
Format: 226 x 268 mm
Pages: 36 full-color-throughout
Binding: Paperback / Hardback

Readers watch as viruses of a common head cold invade a human body and as bacteria cells invade the body through a small wound. These are the body's villains, but they are fought off and finally overcome by hero antibodies-- produced by our bodies to protect us from harmful microscopic invaders.

This series was written by Prof. Patrick A. Baeuerle, a renowned scientist in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology, together with Norbert Landa, an experienced author of nonfiction children?s books.


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