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Author: Mercè Segarra
Illustrator: Francesc Rovira
Target: 5 years and up
Format: 226 x 268 mm
Pages: 96 full-color throughout
Binding: Paperback / Hardback

A collection of 42 Bible stories, 24 from the Old Testament and 18 from the New Testament accompanied by tried-and-tested recipes, craft activities, games, values and virtues, curiosities, etc. which reinforce the central idea of a Bible story. Getting kids to learn and remember Bible Stories in a fun way has never been easier! Clear, step-by-step instructions and an illustrated list of materials needed are accompanied by helpful, colorful illustrations. All the necessary patterns are included. These activities will not only enrich the telling of the Bible stories in church schools, but will be great to use in Sunday school, vacation Bible school, preschool and home school.


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