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Author: Aleix Cabrera
Illustrator: Rosa Maria Curto
Target: 5 years and up
Format: 240 x 240 mm
Pages: 36 full-color throughout
Binding: Paperback / Hardback

A child should enjoy all the rights stated in this Declaration. These rights must apply to all children, without any kind of exception or discrimination because of race, gender, language, religion, political opinion or other matter, national and social origins, economic position, whether by birth of other condition, either of the child himself or his family.

In the same way that the wise man in the story opens the doors of knowledge to the three children, the Rights of the Child do not make any kind of discrimination between the young people of the Earth, whatever their culture, way of thinking or appearance. Furthermore, the story considers cultural diversity as a source of enrichment for all, rather than as a source of confrontation.


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