Full Catalogue

The path of the wise man
The cotton boy
Amin loses his way
Ariadna's magic box
Ricky and the new world
Where are my parents?
The forgotten color
The little pirates
The castle of smiles
The snail man


In each title in the series Children's Rights, one of the ten principles of the “Rights of the Child” proclaimed by the United Nations in 1959 is illustrated. Through amusing fictional stories, the child will understand the content of each principle.


Titles: Open series

Target: 5 years and up

Format: 240 x 240 mm

Pages: 36 full-color throughtout

Binding: Paperback / Hardback


GEMSER · Publications, S.L. | Castell, 38 08329 Teià (Barcelona) | Spain
T. (34) 93 540 13 53

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